Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Future of our USA companies can be very bright if they up grade to new Industrial LED Lights

The Future of our USA companies can be very bright, if they up grade to new Industrial LED Lights soon.

If our USA companies and especially small corporations don't jump onto the Cost saving train they can get form LED lighting, they just might have a better chance of going out of business, There are a lot of companies upgrading their led lighting and the cost saving they get can really help them reinvest in new area's. Doing so will help them get the edge on their competition around the world and run them out of business. Listen people were talking hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in cost savings on electricity! It isn't rocket science to know and figure what  your saving can be in just one year!
Why give it to someone else?
Call me lets get you some new Led lighting for your factory, warehouse, parking lot.


(323) 834-2879
Text us 24hrs a day 
we will reply asap

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

#1 Number one Industrial, commercial, and warehouse Led Lighting for 2014.

#1 Number one Industrial, commercial, and warehouse Led Lighting for 2014.  We will out bid anyone just give us a chance.
Or I die trying to get you the best at the best price period......


Our Staff  is always here to help in any way we can..
Thanks for your time now give us a call so we can get your order placed right away for your industrial led light needs.

(323) 834-2879

Monday, March 10, 2014

Rebates on led lights 2014 from 40% to 100 dollars per light kick back from your utility companies

 LED Light Rebates

 Rebates on led lights 2014 from 40% to 100 dollars per light kick back from utility companies

DLC Certificate LINK

FDD~Rebates LINK

Utility rebate programs are fully governed by the utilities and are subject to change without notice.  Contact your individual utilities for program updates.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Schools needing High bay lights to save money? Discounts for Michigan schools

Schools needing High bay lights to save money?
look no further a 200w will replace a 400w 1 for 1. plus we get much closer the the best wavelength for sporting events! 5000k it the best.
Buy Now click here. 200w High bay 331$/ea plus shipping
For Michigan schools only ! ~ discounts click here